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List of Slovenian photovoltaic power plants

General assembly eu photovoltaic platform

    In Berlin on 12.6.2007 the general assembly was organized. Dr. Topi� and mr. Nemac participated and on their  initiative, the next general assmbly will be in a year in Slovenia. On the assembly there was also  the Strategic Researyh Agenda introduced.


PV power plant in Maribor on the  publiC baths Pristan

Investor: Metal PKS d.o.o.
Project: TCPE - Tehnolo�ki center za raziskave in eksperimentalni razvoj na podro�ju pretvarjanja energije, Strossmayerjeva ulica 11, 2000 Maribor.
Turnkey project: Energetika sistemi d.o.o., Drabo�najkova 5, 2000 Maribor
Power: 35,9 kWp
PV modules: policrystal Tip E 132 B: Energetica Energietechnik GmbH, Adi Dassler Gasse 6, 9073 Klagenfurt, Austria.
Inverters: Fronius IG 60



New feed in tariffs

The government will discuss on higher feed in tariffs for the electricity from biomass and heating plants and abolition of the 36 kW limit for the higher price of electricity from PV power plant. The new prices could be click here. Source: www.energetika.net.

We invite everyone who owns on grid PV power plant with SMA converter to join and share his information with the web.

European Best Practice Report
is now online. It can be downloaded from the following link: http://www.pvpolicy.org/doc_overview.asp
Projects of the company Kon tiki Solar d.o.o.
Year 2005 was very successful on the area of building grid connected solar power plants.

small photovoltaic power plant nova Gorica 1


Elektro Primorska d.d.


Kon Tiki Solar d.o.o. Kamnik


Kon Tiki Solar d.o.o. Kamnik


12.150 Wp
   8100 Wp tracking system
   4050 Wp tracking system
   with condensators

PV modules

Shell Solar



Specific information

First Slovenian PV sistem with tracking system and condensators. Development of the system: Kon Tiki Solar d.o.o. Most of the components are made within the company (construction, sensors, etc.)

photovoltaic power plant lea in lesce

New biggest solar power plant in Slovenia.
Investor: LEA d.o.o. Lesce
Project and construction: Kon Tiki Solar d.o.o. Kamnik
Power 16,8 kW
Modules Ultra 175, Shell Solar
Number of modules 96

Conference on solar power plants in barcelona
Janez Kr�, Jonas Malmstroem, Franc Smole and Marko Topi� were rewarded for the best poster in section 4. More klik here! (only in Slovene)

New photovoltaic power plant RADOVLJICa
Power 16,3 kWp
Investor : Gorenjske elektrarne KR
Site: House of inspectorate Radovljica of the company Elektro Gorenjska d.d.
Project and construction Kon Tiki Solar d.o.o. Kamnik
of the photography: Kon Tiki Solar d.o.o. Kamnik

Only in Slovene language.

biggest tracking photovoltaic power plant in Slovenia
Connected to the grid on 24.01.2005. Installed and finished on 17.02.2005.
Power: 16,3 kW

For every phase individually there are inverters
3X SMA 6000.
odules ULTRA 165W Shell.

Tracking goes from east to west, the program for that was especially made.
Estimated yearly electricity production 25.000 kWh.
Investment costs:
20 mio SIT (83.000 �).